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PRP Treatment for Tennis Elbow: Benefits, Procedure, and Risks

Q: What is PRP treatment for tennis elbow?

A: PRP stands for Platelet Rich Plasma. PRP treatment for tennis elbow involves taking a sample of the patient's blood, spinning it in a centrifuge to concentrate the platelets, and then injecting the concentrated platelets into the affected area to promote healing.

Q: How does PRP treatment work for tennis elbow?

A: Platelets contain growth factors and other proteins that can stimulate healing and tissue regeneration. When concentrated and injected into the affected area, the platelets can promote the growth of new tissue and help repair damaged tendons in the elbow.

Q: What is the procedure for PRP treatment for tennis elbow?

A: The PRP treatment for tennis elbow involves a simple outpatient procedure that takes about an hour. The patient's blood is drawn and then spun in a centrifuge to separate the platelets. The concentrated platelets are then injected into the affected area using ultrasound guidance to ensure accuracy.

Q: Is PRP treatment for tennis elbow painful? A: PRP treatment for tennis elbow is generally well tolerated. The injection may cause some discomfort or a mild burning sensation, but this usually resolves quickly.

Q: How many PRP treatments are needed for tennis elbow?

A: The number of PRP treatments needed for tennis elbow can vary depending on the severity of the condition and the patient's response to treatment. In general, patients may require one to three injections spaced several weeks apart.

Q: What are the potential risks and side effects of PRP treatment for tennis elbow?

A: PRP treatment for tennis elbow is generally considered safe, but as with any medical procedure, there are some risks and side effects to consider. These may include pain, swelling, bruising, infection, and nerve damage.

Q: How effective is PRP treatment for tennis elbow?

A: The effectiveness of PRP treatment for tennis elbow can vary depending on the patient and the severity of the condition. Some studies have shown that PRP treatment can be effective in reducing pain and improving function in patients with tennis elbow, but more research is needed to fully understand the benefits of this treatment.

Q: Is PRP treatment covered by insurance?

A: PRP treatment for tennis elbow may not be covered by insurance. It is important to check with your insurance provider to determine your coverage and any out-of-pocket costs associated with this treatment.

Dr Om Patil Is Orthopedic spine surgeon and minimal invasive Orthopedic surgeon in Mumbai treating various complex musculoskeletal diseases with wide range of treatment options. Dr Om Patil Is pIoneer in innovative Orthopedic treatment for the pain management sports related injuries.

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